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Monday, December 17, 2012

Recording a Loadrunner Script in Virtual User Generator

Recording a Loadrunner Script

Before start recording a loadrunner script, it is vital to have at least below pre-requisites ready -

1) Overview of functionalities of application
2) Business Process ready.
3) Master data generation for playback
4) Analyzing the protocol for your script

I have already covered the above pre-requisites in my previous posts.

I am starting this post with procedure to record a basic HTTP script -

Step 1 -

Click New button OR select File-->New OR simply press ctrl+n keys of your keyboard.
Now you will see the below dialog-

Step 2 -

Since we are recording a web application, so  select Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol. Then you will see the below dialog -

Step 3 -

a) Select Application Type "Internet Application"
b) Program to record "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
c) URL Address "URL of your application"
d) Working Directory "Temporary directory for all LR related tasks"
e) Record into Action "Action" OR click New and then enter any name for e.g. "EnterURL"
     (Please note do not use any special character in giving an action name, also we should give a proper meaningful name to actions.)

Step 4 -

 Click Option button and then select HTML-based script from Recording menu to change the settings of your recording (as given in below image) -

Step 5-

Click HTML Advanced button and make sure to have the following settings and then click OK-

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bhupendra,
    The Article on Recording a Loadrunner Script in Virtual User Generator. gives detailed information about it. Thanks for Sharing the information about the loadRunner Functionality For More information check the detail on the Loadrunner testing here Software Testing Company
