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Welcome To Loadrunner Helpline By Bhupendra Varshney

Monday, May 2, 2011

VU Gen (Virtual User generator) Cond...


In order to record a script in VU Gen one may ask few questions about scripting. I am mentioning below some of most frequently asked questions in VU Gen script recording -

Question 1) What is a VUGen script?
 Answer   :   A VUGen script is end-to-end functionality (business flow) of an application, recorded by Loadrunner's component VUGen. Some people call it a "session" in other tools.
Question 2) Which language is used in script recording in LR?
Answer   : VUGen script is recorded in C Language.

Question 3) What is a length of a script?
Answer : Tength of a VUGen script varies from application-to-application, and business process length.

Question 4) What is the extension of a VUGen script file?
Answer : .usr ("dot usr")

Question 5) What is important in VU Gen scripting?
Answer : The flow that you are recording in VUGen is important. Because in some cases it has been observed that the client refuses to accept the result of a performance test stating- this is not what we expected to test. So planning of business process scenarios (flows or functionalities) is the key element of VUGen script recording.

Question 6) What is the cost of VUGen?
Answer:  It's Free. As the VU Gen is a component of Loadrunner that comes with the evaluation version and that too free. The license key is required for the use of Load controller. However, Load controller comes with an evaluation version for 10 days.

Question 7) Is VUGen scripting simple or difficult.
Answer: It is not simple until you initiate it and it is not difficult if you do it.

Question 8) What is correlation in Loadrunner and why correlation is important?
Answer: Correlation is used to capture dynamic values returned from the server. Every iteration requires
              some unique dynamic values that can only be captured using correlation.

Question 9) What are run-time settings in VUGen?
Answer : Run-time settings are configuration settings that to be done before running a script but for during
               run. These settings are simulation settings for a script. For example - You can simulate the
              browsers that are not available on your client machine. You can simulate number of itereations,
              network bandwidth etc.

Question 10) While running the VUGen script, I am not able to see the browser. How can I see that, and what term is used to call that browser?
Answer : The browser that can be watched during every step of your script, is called as "run-time 
                browser". By default it is disabled after fresh installation of VUGen.
               To enable it go to - Tools -- > General Options-- > Display Tab -- >
               Check "Browser during display"--  > Click OK button
               See the below image for quick glimpse.